Aleppo archaeologist Rami Alafandi and Asiah Abdul Rahim published The Lost Treasure of the Polychrome Wooden (‘ajami) Interior of Ghazalyeh House, Aleppo, Syria.
Cultural Heritage
Their meticulous documentation will help restore the late 17th century house’s panels which were restored from 2009-2011 and then stolen in 2013.
Al Jazeera profiles Syrians working to protect their heritage.
Archaeologist Tiffany Ftaimi shows why Aleppo’s finest palace- the 16th century Dar Janbolad with its stunning Iwān mean so much to her and the Arab world.
The State of the Conflict

Father Choukri Touma, Syriac Orthodox Church surveys destruction in his community after rebel shelling. Photo: @Edwardedark
Some opposition groups increased indiscriminate shelling on government-held areas of Western Aleppo, killing at least 38 civilians.
Civilians are stockpiling food in anticipation of a potential siege as government forces and allies come ever closer to taking control of Castello Road, the last open road into rebel-held Aleppo.
For the latest on-the-ground developments, see

From left -pediatrician John Kahler, critical care specialist Zaher Sahloul and orthopedic surgeon Samer Attar. Al Quds Pediatric Hospital ruins. Late June 2016. Photo: Dr. Zaher Sahloul/LA Times
The LA Times profiled three Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) doctors who recently traveled to Aleppo.
I have no words to describe the fear and horror there. It was hell. … I saw so many people die. — Syrian American Dr. Samer Attar, orthopedic surgeon from Chicago.
We published June’s update of Armenak Tokmajyan’s Conflict Timeline.
Activists recently started using this image and hashtag #كلنا_حلب #WeAreAleppo.